Westminister Pulpit Podcast http://podcast.westpca.com/ Westminster's ministry extends to individuals and families living around the country and around the world. Our prayer is for our ministry resources to share and promote the Gospel, wherever the listeners may be. Whether you're a local who missed a sermon or a missionary in a remote location, you are welcome here! Podcast Generator 2.6 - http://podcastgen.sourceforge.net Tue, 11 Mar 2025 07:22:48 -0400 en Copyright © 2016 Westminster Presbyterian Church http://podcast.westpca.com/images/itunes_image.jpg Westminister Pulpit Podcast http://podcast.westpca.com/ Westminster's ministry extends to individuals and families living around the country and around the world. Our prayer is for our ministry resources to share and promote the Gospel, wherever the listeners may be. Whether you're a local who missed a sermon or a missionary in a remote location, you are welcome here! Westminster Presbyterian Church Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, PA Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, PA office@westpca.com no Does Anybody Have Any Love Here? #16 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #16 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-07-28_240728_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-07-28_240728_pm.mp3 32:15 office@westpca.com (Rev. Scott Johnston) Rev. Scott Johnston children, Jacob, rivalry, Leah, Rachel no Sun, 28 Jul 2024 18:00:00 -0400 The Stairway to Heaven #15 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #15 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-07-14_240714_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-07-14_240714_pm.mp3 38:48 office@westpca.com (Dr. Tucker York) Dr. Tucker York Jacob, dream, Bethel, covenant, confirmed no Sun, 14 Jul 2024 18:00:00 -0400 In God's Providence #14 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #14 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-07-07_240707_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-07-07_240707_pm.mp3 34:53 office@westpca.com (Rev. Matthew Collins) Rev. Matthew Collins Jacob, blessing, deceit, Esau, grudge no Sun, 07 Jul 2024 18:00:00 -0400 Like Father, Like Son #13 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #13 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-06-23_240623_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-06-23_240623_pm.mp3 48:33 office@westpca.com (Dr. Barry Cureton) Dr. Barry Cureton Isaac, blessed, wealth, wells, Abimelech no Sun, 23 Jun 2024 18:00:00 -0400 The Generations of Isaac #12 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #12 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-06-16_240616_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-06-16_240616_pm.mp3 32:21 office@westpca.com (Rev. Scott Johnston) Rev. Scott Johnston Esau, Jacob, birthright, sell, stew no Sun, 16 Jun 2024 18:00:00 -0400 Quest for a Godly Spouse #11 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #11 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-06-02_240602_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-06-02_240602_pm.mp3 46:40 office@westpca.com (Dr. Tucker York) Dr. Tucker York Rebekah, wife, Isaac, servant, mission, providence no Sun, 02 Jun 2024 18:00:00 -0400 Where Is the Lamb? #10 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #10 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-05-19_240519_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-05-19_240519_pm.mp3 36:52 office@westpca.com (Dr. Michael Rogers) Dr. Michael Rogers Abraham, obedient, sacrifice, Isaac, substitution, ram no Sun, 19 May 2024 18:00:00 -0400 The Faithfulness of God #9 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #9 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-05-12_240512_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-05-12_240512_pm.mp3 36:29 office@westpca.com (Rev. Matthew Collins) Rev. Matthew Collins promise, Isaac, heir, Hagar, exiled, trust no Sun, 12 May 2024 18:00:00 -0400 Abraham, the Friend of God #8 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #8 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-04-28_240428_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-04-28_240428_pm.mp3 35:54 office@westpca.com (Rev. Scott Johnston) Rev. Scott Johnston hospitality, prediction, son, confidant, compassion no Sun, 28 Apr 2024 18:00:00 -0400 God's Covenant of Grace #7 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #7 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-04-21_240421_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-04-21_240421_pm.mp3 39:54 office@westpca.com (Rev. Matthew Collins) Rev. Matthew Collins covenant, circumcision, descendants, fruitful, blessed no Sun, 21 Apr 2024 18:00:00 -0400 The Lord Who Sees and Hears #6 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #6 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-04-14_240414_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-04-14_240414_pm.mp3 42:26 office@westpca.com (Dr. Barry Cureton) Dr. Barry Cureton Hagar, maidservant, pregnant, mistreated, angel, Ishmael no Sun, 14 Apr 2024 16:00:00 -0400 God's Covenant Ceremony with Abram #5 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #5 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-03-24_240324_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-03-24_240324_pm.mp3 36:46 office@westpca.com (Dr. David Kieffer) Dr. David Kieffer promise, descendants, belief, righteousness, Canaan no Sun, 24 Mar 2024 18:00:00 -0400 Indistinct Temptation, Intentional Homage, and Inherent Loyalty #4 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #4 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-03-10_240310_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-03-10_240310_pm.mp3 30:21 office@westpca.com (Rev. Scott Johnston) Rev. Scott Johnston Lot, captive, recovered, Melchizedek, priest, blessing no Sun, 10 Mar 2024 18:00:00 -0400 Standing on the Promises #3 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #3 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-02-25_240225_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-02-25_240225_pm.mp3 31:05 office@westpca.com (Mr. Chase Reed) Mr. Chase Reed Abraham, Lot, separation, covenant, Canaan, posterity no Sun, 25 Feb 2024 18:00:00 -0500 Father Abraham's Failure and Deliverance #2 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob #2 in a Series on Genesis - God's Promises to Israel's Patriarchs: The Lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-02-18_240218_pm.mp3 http://podcast.westpca.com/?name=2024-02-18_240218_pm.mp3 29:13 office@westpca.com (Dr. Tucker York) Dr. Tucker York famine, Egypt, deception, Pharaoh, disease no Sun, 18 Feb 2024 18:00:00 -0500